• Basic introduction to DTP
  • Advantage
  • Dolphin Program
  • Development Goals for Talents in Nan Hai Corporation
  • You change the world


  • Basic introduction to DTP


    Recruitment begins in: September and March every year


    Rotation period: 1-2 years


    Work location: mainly at the headquarters, different departments will work in Shenzhen and other places according to actual conditions and needs.


    Application requirements: full-time fresh graduates of universities are qualified to apply.

  • Advantage


  • Development Goals for Talents in Nan Hai Corporation


    Coaching, mentoring, and companion


    Fully taping the potential of talents


    Developing instead of curing thinking


    Gather, cultivate and shape talents

  • You change the world

    Nan Hai Corporation's “Dolphin Program” is a global talent development project. It selects excellent talents with innovative spirit and potential for leadership among fresh graduates, and cultivates them to be core backbones in various fields of the company, on the basis of unified talent standards and strict recruitment process.

    There are short-term (3 years) and long-term (5 years) training programs for management trainees. During the training period, we will provide customized plans, guidance and evaluations, adjusting development paths according to their own growth. In this period, management trainees will take horizontal and vertical rotations.

    They can study not only in the department of the post, but also learn about duties of company's other departments, and have the opportunity to go abroad! In Nan Hai Corporation, trainees will grow rapidly in various customized training and challenging work.

Basic introduction to DTP


Recruitment begins in: September and March every year


Rotation period: 1-2 years


Work location: mainly at the headquarters, different departments will work in Shenzhen and other places according to actual conditions and needs.


Application requirements: full-time fresh graduates of universities are qualified to apply.



Development Goals for Talents in Nan Hai Corporation


Coaching, mentoring, and companion


Fully taping the potential of talents


Developing instead of curing thinking


Gather, cultivate and shape talents

You change the world

Nan Hai Corporation's “Dolphin Program” is a global talent development project. It selects excellent talents with innovative spirit and potential for leadership among fresh graduates, and cultivates them to be core backbones in various fields of the company, on the basis of unified talent standards and strict recruitment process.

There are short-term (3 years) and long-term (5 years) training programs for management trainees. During the training period, we will provide customized plans, guidance and evaluations, adjusting development paths according to their own growth. In this period, management trainees will take horizontal and vertical rotations.

They can study not only in the department of the post, but also learn about duties of company's other departments, and have the opportunity to go abroad! In Nan Hai Corporation, trainees will grow rapidly in various customized training and challenging work.